La maraca embrujada por jibaná, by Manuel Zapata Olivella: Pretexts and Re-Writing
Colombian Pacific region, health, modernity, medicine, Manuel Zapata OlivellaAbstract
This article analyzes the presence of pretexts in Manuel Zapata Olivella’s unpublished novel La maraca embrujada por jibaná. Through the concept of “geography of imagination” (Trouillot, 2011), I argue that, while the columns published in El Fígaro and Cromos grounded the novel’s ideological base regarding issues such as health, scientific explorations, and visions of the Colombian Pacific region, other narratives like 1947’s Pasión vagabunda (Vagabond Passion) set up the starting point for the narrative construction of La maraca embrujada por jibaná, but from an updated perspective that paid attention to the social discourses of the 1960s.
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