Perceived quality of nursing care hospital by users, Tunja 2011
quality of health care, nursing, patient satisfactionAbstract
Objective: to evaluate the users’ perception regarding the quality of the nursing care received. Methodology: a quantitative, cross-sectional descriptive study with univariate and bivariate analyses. The sample (n = 183) was collected from the Internal Medicine and Surgery units of the Tunja Hospital using the SERVQHOS-E instrument. Results: the measurement of the objective and subjective quality, as well as the measurement of the users’ satisfaction level regarding hospital services had scores with a mean of 4.08 for kindness, and 3.98 for nursing staff training. In addition, the overall satisfaction level was 92.9%. Discussion: using the instrument SERVQHOS-E to measure the quality perceived by the users made it possible to assess the quality of the care provided by nursing professionals. This measurement was conducted from the user’s own point of view and focused on the objective and subjective aspects, which are predictors of satisfaction. Additionally, the highest scores belonged to subjective variables, but the users’ expectations were not met.
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