Social determinants of food in families from strata 4, 5, and 6 of the town of Chapinero, Bogotá D.C., Colombia
social determinants for diet, food securityAbstract
Objective: to identify the social determinants for the diet of the families from strata 4, 5, and 6 living in the town of Chapinero Bogotá. Methodology: an observational, qualitative, descriptive, and cross sectional study conducted on a sample of 150 families proportionally divided depending on stratum. Sampling was carried out using the snowball technique. Results: the social determinants for diet in the studied strata were: schooling level, tastes, culture, and the influence of the social environment. Conclusions: the socioeconomic level, which corresponds to the stratum, influences food access and availability; the education level determines the family income, culture and social environment (family and friends); finally, the involvement of the mass media in food promotion affects consumption and reshapes the eating habits, preferences, and tastes of the household members.
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