Morfología del mercado laboral en Colombia


  • Emmanuel Nieto Universidad de Antioquia



working marker, employment, unemployment, employment policies, Colombia


This article describes the trends in the labour market during thelast decade. The rising behaviour of the labour force offering showsan emphasis on the participation of working women. From the perspectiveof demand on labour force, the phenomenon of "terciarización" of theworking marketis (Jutlined. The offer of service isthe activity of highestdynamism in the generation of working 'position, which contrasts thesorrow behaviour of sectors like agriculture-, construction and industry.The unbalances of working market are shown in unemployment rising,informality, underemployment and temporal jobs. The most vulnerablegroups to unemployment still are women and young people. The cyclicunemployment reaches levels no registered before in the recen! historyof the country. However, more than a quantitative problem the laborunbalance is a matter of working quality and low wages, that hitsnegatively in the life quality of colombian people. Therefore, there area direct association with the high levels of poverty and the obviousconcentration of income. Finally the article mentions the employmentpolicies and labour that have been discussed in the country for the lastyear. This proposals are different because of their origin, time andconception, since they come from actors with not always matchinginterests, and they are even contradictory.

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How to Cite

Nieto E. Morfología del mercado laboral en Colombia. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2012 Nov. 2 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];15(2). Available from:


