Food access strategies at home in low income stratuses 1, 2, 3 in the Medellin area
food access strategies, alimentary security, neighborhood, Medellín, hungerAbstract
Homes that are most vulnerable generally establish strategies that can insure to access that is affordable to their own economic conditions, sociocultural characteristics and the opportunities presented by their environment. Objective: identify the main food access strategies implement in low income homes belonging to stratuses 1, 2, 3 in Medellin area. Methodology: qualitative approach. The method employed was applicable etnography which allowed us to inquire through the subjects perspective. Focused groups, one on one and grupal interviews were used as data collection technics. Results: among many of the food access strategies found to be by communities in low level stratuses can be identified: credit on neighborhood groceries stores, relative to relative handout, friends, neighbors. The most used strategy found among displaced communities is a “walk about” food markets around asking for food supplies.
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