Feeding Dynamic and Strategies Implemented at Homes of Medellin
feeding, food security, food consumption, hidden hungerAbstract
Objective: Understand the family in feeding dynamics and strategies in issues like food consumption and the role assumed by women in food consumption in households are beneficiaries of supplementary food in Medellin. Methodology: The approach used was qualitative and the method was focused ethnography, using techniques such as individual interviews, group interviews and participant observations. Results: Among the main mechanisms implemented in the homes of beneficiaries of supplementary food programs to preserve consumption according to usual are: to make preparations with foods that are available at home, serve smaller portions, eating more often cheap food, the familiar taste, and easy preparation, take only one drink throughout the day and reduce the number of meals a day. Also emerged that the woman who takes the lead role in the preparation of food at home, and in the preparation and served, they are who give priority to feeding children, and they are the least food consumed at home.
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