Qualitative Research and Health Practice: Reflections from Primary Care and Health Services
qualitative research, primary care, health servicesAbstract
Qualitative research (QR) enables the opening of health sciences to the knowledge and transformation of complex realities such as those characteristic of primary care (PC) and health services. PC represents the suitable context to provide quality, comprehensive and equitable care which targets both the people and the community. But at the same time, it is especially vulnerable to the current questioning of public systems and the reduction of science and good practice to the experimental design and numerical quantification of activities. The justification and methodological challenges of the development of QR in PC require that they be discussed while taking into account these particularities. From that perspective, some reflections are shared on the demands and difficulties of care provision, the implementation of inadequate registration and information systems and the paradoxical effects of the spread of evidence-based medicine in PC. QR may and should help relocate the complexity of the individual at the center of the care and research activity. To this end, it is argued that there is a need to support quality in QR, incorporate narrativity and comprehensiveness in the assessment of good practice, and promote the complementarity of evidences considering the specific demands of each methodological approach. This is only possible with the ethical commitment along with the critical and transforming will of the researchers.
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