The Challenge to Write Specific Quidelines on Research Ethics in social Science and Humanities, in Brazil
research ethics, Research Ethics Committees, bioethics, qualitative research, research subjects, epistemology, ethics of scienceAbstract
The aim of this article is to identify the ethical implications of the different scientific paradigms, in the context of the writing of a specific resolution to be included in set of the National Health Council (CNS) resolutions. It recognizes the paradigmatic, the theorethical and methodological diversity of the health field and assumes that the epistemological conflicts are inseparable from the political conflicts. This article is organized in this way: 1. CNS and the System made up by Committes on Research Ethics (CEP) and the National Commission on Research Ethics (CONEP); 2. Scientific paradigms and its implications for the discussion on research ethics; 3. The working group organized by CONEP to write specific resolution to Social Science and Humanities; 4. Final considerations.
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