Educational Efficacy in the Metabolic Control of Diabetics with Peritoneal Dialysis


  • María Adelaida Zapata Zapata Renal Unit RTS
  • Gustavo Bergonzoli Pelaez Universidad Libre
  • Alba Lucia Rodriguez Governorate of Valle del Cauca



diabetes mellitus, peritoneal dialysis, kidney disease, health education, multiple linear regression


The second worldwide cause for chronic kidney disease is diabetes mellitus which has individual and social economic repercussions. Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is a metabolic control marker; its decrease is associated to a decrease of microvascular and neuropathic complications of diabetes. Objective: This study intends to determine the efficiency of an education program on Diabetes patients in peritoneal dialysis depending on Hb1Ac levels as a metabolic control parameter at a kidney dialysis unit in Cali, Colombia.
Methodology: This is a quasi-experimental study conducted from June 2013 to February 2014. It included 150 type-2 diabetes subjects undergoing peritoneal dialysis assigned to 3 groups, according to an analysis using Pearson’s chi-squared test (χ2), Student t-test, anova, ancova and multiple linear regression, using IBM-SPSS®. Results: The sociodemographic clinical characteristics of the three groups did not present any
significant baseline differences. A significant difference was observed in the post intervention knowledge of the group intervened using each module (p< 0.05). Hb1Ac levels had no statistically significant differences in 3 months. There was a difference after 6 months of the intervention in the intervened group in comparison with the two control groups (p< 0.05). Conclusions: Educational intervention can help to reduce Hb1Ac levels in a diabetic patient undergoing peritoneal dialysis if there is a continuous intervention.
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Author Biographies

María Adelaida Zapata Zapata, Renal Unit RTS

Nurse. Renal Unit RTS. Colombia.

Gustavo Bergonzoli Pelaez, Universidad Libre

Doctor. Epidemiologist. Professor in the Master of Epidemiology at the Universidad Libre, Cali section. Director of the Foundation for the Production and Management of Knowledge (PROGESCO). Colombia.

Alba Lucia Rodriguez, Governorate of Valle del Cauca

Nurse. Governorate of Valle del Cauca. Colombia.


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How to Cite

Zapata Zapata MA, Bergonzoli Pelaez G, Rodriguez AL. Educational Efficacy in the Metabolic Control of Diabetics with Peritoneal Dialysis. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2017 Jan. 20 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];35(1):49-57. Available from:



