Sanitary reforms and AIDS health care indicators:comparison between two specialized remission services


  • Gloria Velásquez University of Antioquia
  • Rubén D. Gómez University of Antioquia
  • Samuel A. Arias University of Antioquia
  • Daniel C. Aguirre University of Antioquia
  • Catalina Hoyos University of Antioquia



HIV infection, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, program evaluation, health care reform, Colombia, health policy


Colombian health care reform (Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud, SGSSS) transformed public health system into an insurance model system. Objective: to compare health care in tworemission centers for HIV/AIDS control functioning before (centerA) and after (center B) SGSSS implementation. Materials and methods: retrospective study of all records collected by the two specialized centers between 1986 and 2002 (n = 1.252). Results: foreach service, indicators about reference, diagnosis, treatment, AIDSrisk, survival, lethality and effectiveness of HAART (highly activeanti-retroviral therapy) were obtained. Conclusions: some unfavorable conditions were identified in center B suggesting a worsening in interventions and operation continuity of the regional health care remission system. Those factors could be related toadministrative barriers —imposed by requirements of the new in-surance model— and they could explain patients’ seriousness atthe moment of remission.

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Author Biographies

Rubén D. Gómez, University of Antioquia

Professor National Faculty of Public Health

Samuel A. Arias, University of Antioquia

Master in epidemiology

Daniel C. Aguirre, University of Antioquia

Statistician Faculty of Medicine

Catalina Hoyos, University of Antioquia

Health Information Systems Manager


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How to Cite

Velásquez G, Gómez RD, Arias SA, Aguirre DC, Hoyos C. Sanitary reforms and AIDS health care indicators:comparison between two specialized remission services. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2008 Nov. 11 [cited 2025 Jan. 31];24(1):1-12. Available from:


