Transcultural Translation and Adaptation of the Life Orientation Test-revised Scale to Measure Cancer-patient Caretakers' Dispositional Optimism in Colombia


  • Juliet Valdelamar Jiménez Instituto Nacional de Cancerología
  • Ricardo Sánchez Pedraza National University of Colombia



optimism, translation, transcultural comparison, caretakers


Dispositional optimism is a personality trait, and cognitive in nature, and it upholds global expectations in which the future will be filled with positive events. Objective: To translate and transculturally adapt cancer-patient caretakers' LOT-R in Colombia. Methodology: The transcultural translation and adaptation process was guided using EORTC pathology, translating directly and inversely and submitting the preliminary
version to a pilot test in which 21 caretakers took part. Their patients attended outpatient consultations or hospitalization visits at the National Cancer Institute in Colombia (in Spanish, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología E.S.E.) Results: The study maintained a semantic equivalence of direct and inverse translation using the original scale. Researchers observed a higher use of paraphrasing in items 3, 7 and 9, because they were written negatively so it was necessary to obtain a version of them by consensus. On the pilot test, caretakers referred to confusion and comprehension problems of these same items, offering advice to write them. The final Corrections were done by consensus and the semantic equivalence between the original and the final scale was verified. Discussion and conclusions: This process allowed the production of an LOT-R scale in Colombian Spanish to be used and validated in future studies on dispositional optimism.
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Author Biographies

Juliet Valdelamar Jiménez, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología

Psychologist. Instituto Nacional de Cancerología E.S.E. Colombia.

Ricardo Sánchez Pedraza, National University of Colombia

Master in Clinical Epidemiology, Doctor. National University of Colombia, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Valdelamar Jiménez J, Sánchez Pedraza R. Transcultural Translation and Adaptation of the Life Orientation Test-revised Scale to Measure Cancer-patient Caretakers’ Dispositional Optimism in Colombia. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2017 Mar. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 30];35(2):216-24. Available from: