Urban Crowding in the Estimation of Health Risk Scenarios Caused by Emissions from Gas Stations: The Case of Ensenada, Baja California


  • Marco Antonio García Zárate Ensenada Centre for Scientific Research and Higher Education
  • María Evarista Arellano García Autonomous University of Baja California https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0997-6902
  • Mariana Villada Canela Autonomous University of Baja California
  • Patricia Margarita Aceves Calderón Autonomous University of Baja California
  • Ana Erika Ruiz Arellano Autonomous University of Baja California
  • Christine Alysse Von Glascoe El Colegio de la Frontera Norte
  • Margarito Quintero Núñez Baja California Secretariat of Environmental Protection




benzene, volatile organic compounds, air pollution, crowding, cartography, health risk


Objective: a conceptual and methodological tool is proposed which makes it possible to represent how social, economic and territorial components contribute to the crowding of people within a city. This tool aims to define the areas with health risk due to exposure to gasoline emissions from gas stations. Results: the proposed model can facilitate the targeting, identification and prioritization of zones at risk of environmental contamination by the BTEX released from gas stations in the city. Discussion: when a spatial model of risk includes the number of people going to buildings that generate crowding such as schools and hospitals, the conceptual scope is transcended and methodological and instrumental aspects are offered in order to achieve more robust models that are applicable to other cities. Government agencies should take these results into account when establishing rules, permits and enforcement procedures to reduce environmental contamination. This would thus improve the health conditions in the complex environment of an urban area. Conclusions: Integrated spatial analysis does not solve the complicated social and political negotiations that must take place in any decision making concerning health risk. However, it does improve the ability of scientists and decision-makers to identify, assess, control and reduce the risks associated with emissions from gas stations.

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Author Biographies

Marco Antonio García Zárate, Ensenada Centre for Scientific Research and Higher Education

PhD in Environment and Development. Ensenada Centre for Scientific Research and Higher Education, Mexico.

María Evarista Arellano García, Autonomous University of Baja California

PhD in Environment and Development. Autonomous University of Baja California, (UABC). Mexico.

Mariana Villada Canela, Autonomous University of Baja California

PhD in Urban and Environmental Studies. Autonomous University of Baja California. Mexico.

Patricia Margarita Aceves Calderón, Autonomous University of Baja California

Master in Arid Zone Ecosystem Management. Autonomous University of Baja California. Mexico.

Ana Erika Ruiz Arellano, Autonomous University of Baja California

Master in Digital Graphic Design. Autonomous University of Baja California. Mexico.

Christine Alysse Von Glascoe, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte

Doctor of Social Sciences. El Colegio de la Frontera Norte. Mexico.

Margarito Quintero Núñez, Baja California Secretariat of Environmental Protection

Doctor of Applied Industrial Metallurgy. Baja California Secretariat of Environmental Protection. Mexico.


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How to Cite

García Zárate MA, Arellano García ME, Villada Canela M, Aceves Calderón PM, Ruiz Arellano AE, Von Glascoe CA, Quintero Núñez M. Urban Crowding in the Estimation of Health Risk Scenarios Caused by Emissions from Gas Stations: The Case of Ensenada, Baja California . Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2017 Sep. 19 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];35(3):322-34. Available from: https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/fnsp/article/view/327213