The Food Situation of People without Household Utilities Connection in the Upper Section of Commune 3 in the City of Medellin




food, malnutrition, sanitation, poverty, public water supply, power supply


Objective: To describe the nutritional food situation of the inhabitants of households without household utilities connection in neighborhoods that form the upper section of commune 3 in the city of Medellin. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted. Sample size was 220 households, using simple random sampling. Information was collected using a structured questionnaire and using the Latin American and Caribbean Food Security Scale-elcsa (in Spanish, Escala Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Seguridad Alimentaria). A statistical analysis was conducted using spss® software Version 19. Information analysis was conducted using descriptive an exploratory data analysis. Furthermore, a multiple correspondence analysis was conducted to establish social economic and food profiles of the households without utilities connection. The study estimated an association between malnutrition and household socioeconomic variables using a chi-square test. Results: We found that there are two ways of not being connected to household utilities: one as a result of service disconnection (lack of payment) and the other because of access (high risk housing or outside the city's territorial plan). Household population distribution is pyramid-shaped and progressive, where the families are mainly represented by two-parent nuclear families where the head of the household has an informal labor situation; they have their own house and their schooling is no higher than Secondary School. Malnutrition variables were associated with covariates as overcrowding, income level and hut-type housing. Two household classifications were obtained which were households facing moderate to severe food and nutrition insecurity and homes facing slight food insecurity. Conclusion: Households that without utilities connection in the neighborhoods located in the upper sector of commune 3 do not have the economic capacity, and do not have a minimum setting to improve their health conditions, which creates a permanent food risk, particularly for underage children. The basic food basket of the participating households consists of food that mostly provides carbohydrates and calories; they eat fruit in minimum amounts.

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Author Biographies

Yan Carlos Cataño Montoya, University of Antioquia

Professional in Food Science and Technology, Master in Public Health. University of Antioquia, Colombia.

Catalina María Arango Alzate, University of Antioquia

Dietitian nutritionist, Master in Epidemiology, PhD candidate in Epidemiology.

Cristina Mejía Merino, University of Antioquia

Dietitian nutritionist, Master in Public Health.


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How to Cite

Cataño Montoya YC, Arango Alzate CM, Mejía Merino C. The Food Situation of People without Household Utilities Connection in the Upper Section of Commune 3 in the City of Medellin. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2018 Oct. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];36(3):5-17. Available from:



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