Work Capacity in People Being Over 50 Years Old, in the Process of Reincorporation, Registered in the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization
elderly, working conditions, right to work, public health, reincorporation, Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization, ColombiaAbstract
Objective: To identify factors associated with work capacity in people being over 50 years old, who used to be ex-combatants from groups outside the law, and who are now registered in the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization. Methodology: Observational analytic study using primary sources of information from 239 senior subjects in the reincorporation process. All of them were surveyed in five different locations in Colombia. Crude and adjusted prevalence ratios were calculated through unconditional logistic regression, with a p-value of < 0.05, which is considered a statistically significant association. Results: 71.5 % of subjects being over 50 years old work mainly in the informal sector. A functional dependency is associated, though not significantly, with being a single man, or a man without sight or movement disabilities, or a man having driving and computer skills. Those with speech disorders and a lower educational level presented greater limitations in the labor field. Conclusion: Adaptation processes to work life for senior ex-combatants from groups outside the law may be facilitated through the implementation of differential approaches, formal and informal educational programs, use of orthopedic aids, generation of strategies for access to employment and health strategies that promote their wellbeing and attention to the effects of war.
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