Sexuality: The Voices of a Group of Deaf People from Medellín (Colombia)
sexual health, health promotion, hearing impairment, education for people with hearing disabilities, people with hearing impairmentsAbstract
On account of the difficult access to education and health services, deaf people in Colombia have a higher risk in sexual health. It is necessary to describe what young deaf people think and know about sexuality so as to guide educational programs aimed at this specific population. Objective: To interpret the perceptions related to sexuality of a group of young deaf people from Medellín (Colombia), in order to provide relevant elements for the design of future sexuality programs for the deaf. Methodology: Qualitative ethnographic study, with discussion groups as the methodological strategy. Discussion groups were filmed and dialogues were transcribed by an interpreter. The resulting discourse was subject to an argumentative analysis and then contrasted both with questionnaires filled out by the participants and with the available literature. Results: Young deaf people learned about sexuality through pornography. Their discourse focused on erotic aspects. Trusting their couple was decisive in using or not a condom. There was some fear with regards to the medical consultation, which is perceived as sexual abuse. Conclusion: Traditional education and the lack of communication within the family combined with the hearing disability make this population even more vulnerable.
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