Social Determination of Road Traffic Mortality in the Metropolitan District of Quito, 2013




traffic accident, social segregation, social class, epidemiological profile, spatial distribution of the population, gender


Introduction: The classic conceptual frameworks have achieved a partially effective explanation and action on mortality due to traffic accidents (ta). New frameworks are needed for its understanding as a social phenomenon and its socio-spatial distribution, and would make effective the right to equitable, safe and sustainable transport. Objective: To establish the socio-spatial distribution of ta deaths in the Metropolitan District of Quito (mdq) in 2013 and its determining processes. Methodology: Through a multi-stage exploratory study: documentary review, database analysis, file link and survey of a relative of the deceased, ta mortality was analyzed for the mdq based on the categories of critical epidemiology: “socio-spatial segregation”, “social class” and “epidemiological profile”. Results: Important differences were found in mortality by homogeneous zone, rates of 7.84 and 18.82 per hundred thousand inhabitants for the wealthy and deteriorated popular residential zones, respectively; by social class, 58% of deaths occurred in the poorer group; by gender, 81.5% of men died, and by age groups, the mortality rate was 19.08 per hundred thousand inhabitants, over 65 years of age. Conclusions: The distribution of ta deaths is related to the segregation of space in Quito, the livelihoods of social groups, their forms of work and consumption (mobility). It is worth paying attention to types of work that use motorcycles, as well as the social construction of gender and the mediation of alcohol consumption patterns. There is a need for participative construction of preventative measures based on homogeneous zones, social groups and cultural processes.

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Author Biography

Gonzalo Eduardo Montero Moretta, Simón Bolívar Andean University, Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador

Doctoral Student in Collective Health, Environment and Society, Simón Bolívar Andean University, Quito, Ecuador. Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador. Quito.



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How to Cite

Montero Moretta GE. Social Determination of Road Traffic Mortality in the Metropolitan District of Quito, 2013. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2018 Nov. 6 [cited 2025 Jan. 31];36(3):31-42. Available from:



Condiciones socioeconómicas