Formaldehyde: A Literature Review on Biomarkers of Effect for Measuring Occupational Exposure
formaldehyde, biomarkers, occupational exposure, adverse effects, occupational hazards, occupational safety, DNA adducts, ColombiaAbstract
Despite the large amounts of formaldehyde used in the industry, monitoring the health effects of occupational exposure remains an aspect of further improvement in occupational risk prevention programs. Objective: To identify the different biomarkers of effect that have been proposed to be used as indirect indicators of formaldehyde exposure and that are reported in the scientific literature. Methodology: A bibliographic review of literature from 1990 to the first quarter of 2018 was made using the descriptors: "Formaldehyde", "Biomarker", "Professional exposure". Databases were consulted and the initial search was supplemented by consulting the bibliography cited by the authors of the selected articles. Abstracts of articles were reviewed and those that, after preliminary analysis, were determined to contain information relevant to the research were selected. Results: The study found 57 articles relevant to the review which contained information on biomarkers of effect in populations of workers exposed to formaldehyde, some animal studies, and in vitro cells. Used biomarkers were summarized, studies were listed, and the findings of each of them were briefly described. Conclusions: The lack of knowledge and understanding of the toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic mechanisms of formaldehyde in humans limits the application of a biomarker of effect that measures in a practical and simple way exposure to exogenous formaldehyde
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