Cultural Adaptation and Validity of the Instrument to Measure Self-management Behaviors in Cancer


  • Gloria Mabel Carrillo González National University of Colombia
  • Oscar Javier Vergara Escobar National University of Colombia



neoplasms, psychometrics, selfmanagement, oncology nursing, patterns in health (PIH) scale


Objective: Culturally adapt to Spanish and validate in Colombia the instrument of self-management behaviors for people with cancer. Method: Cross-sectional study of instrument validation in which, from the version of the pih scale [patterns in health] that measures self-management behaviors, its culturally adapted version was developed in Spanish, construct validity was advanced from the application to 182 adults diagnosed with cancer. Exploratory factor analysis and reliability were used through internal consistency with Cronbach’s alpha. Results: An instrument culturally adapted to Colombian Spanish is obtained for use in people with cancer. The factor analysis revealed four factors with its own vector: knowledge, recognition and management of symptoms, alliance between health personnel / doctor-patient and coping. Internal consistency is acceptable with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.728. Conclusions: The PIH scale adapted to Spanish comprehensively evaluates the self-management behaviours of a person with cancer, demonstrated construct validity and internal consistency for use in the Colombian context.

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Author Biographies

Gloria Mabel Carrillo González, National University of Colombia

Doctor in Nursing. National University of Colombia. School of Nursing. Bogotá headquarters. Colombia.

Oscar Javier Vergara Escobar, National University of Colombia

Doctor in Nursing, Master in Nursing. Specialist in Health Promotion and Human Development. National University of Colombia. Colombia.


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How to Cite

Carrillo González GM, Vergara Escobar OJ. Cultural Adaptation and Validity of the Instrument to Measure Self-management Behaviors in Cancer. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2021 Apr. 25 [cited 2025 Jan. 31];39(2):1-9. Available from:



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