Food Insecurity in Households Inhabited by Older Adults, Medellín, Colombia
elderly, sociodemographic factors, food insecurity, nutrition, public health, MedellínAbstract
Objective: To determine food insecurity and certain associated sociodemographic characteristics in households inhabited by adults aged 60 years or older in Medellín (Colombia).
Methodology: Cross-sectional study using stratified random sampling according to socioeconomic status and geographic area (urban-rural). This study examined 935 households that had at least one older adult. Food security was measured with the Latin American and Caribbean Food Security Scale. The chi-square test (χ2) and odds ratio (OR) with confidence intervals were used to determine the relationship between food security and the other variables; additionally, a classification tree was created to identify the relative importance of the variables in explaining food security.
Results: Only 19.2% of the households were comprised entirely of older adults. 63% of the examined households presented female headships. Food insecurity was 55%, with higher rates in rural areas, lower socioeconomic strata, and households with more people (p < 0.05); food insecurity was lower in households composed entirely of older adults (OR = 0.58; p < 0.001), households with heads of household aged 60 years or older (OR = 0.64; p = 0.003), and households without food aid programs for older adults (OR = 0.33; p < 0.001).
Conclusion: This study suggests a significant prevalence of food insecurity in households headed by older adults; furthermore, the head of household's age, gender, and whether the home is exclusively composed of older adults are all determinants of food insecurity.
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