Care and Attention-Neglect Processes as Analytical and Operative Referents for Community Health
integral health care, ethics of care, humanization of attention, integrality in health, health-disease process, Public HealthAbstract
"Care" is a polysemous term that can serve as a reference for community health. Within the framework of current thinking about the role and extent of care in this field, attention constitutes an initial, essential, but insufficient stage of care, which is a broader process in the individual and collective spheres. Although acknowledging the health-illness-care process broadens the public health perspective, "neglect" as a concept and as a dynamic counterpart to attention remains hidden, despite its analytical and operational potential in epidemiology and community health. Both terms, combined as attention-neglect processes, are analyzed in this article from an ethical and integrative care viewpoint, as well as from a decolonial and inclusive epidemiological perspective. Within the dynamics of care and neglect, the ability to avoid or cause preventable harm to health materializes and arrives at various levels, scopes, and illustrative itineraries, all of which are specific and evident in practice.
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