Prevalence of non-resilience and associated factors in schoolchildren from a Colombian municipality 2019
schoolchildren, risk factors, prevalence, resilience, mental healthAbstract
Objective: To determine the prevalence of non-resilience and associated demographic, school, and family factors in schoolchildren in a Colombian municipality in 2019.
Methodology: This is a cross-sectional study with two-stage stratified probability sampling on a sample of 2,958 schoolchildren to whom the JJ46 questionnaire was administered. We calculated the prevalence of non-resilience and related it to the selected factors using 95% confidence intervals. Moreover, we constructed a binomial regression for non-resilience while controlling the independent variables that could potentially misidentify the relationship with the outcome.
Results: A 58.4% prevalence of non-resilience was found, being higher in males (22.0%), from the urban area (29.0%), in the seventh grade (73.0%), and who had experienced some vulnerable event (40.0%), compared to females, from the rural area, in the ninth grade, and who had not experienced vulnerable events. The prevalence of non-resilience in males exceeded that of females by 20%. In 88% of cases, the most affectionate person to the schoolchild was another relative other than the parents.
Conclusions: There is an urgent need to implement workshops in school programs for the promotion of resilience and to conduct a periodic assessment of resilience
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