Relationship between burnout syndrome, anxiety and depression in health workers of a high complexity hospital in Cúcuta
Anxiety, Depression, Health workers, health personnel, bournoutAbstract
Objective: Determine the relationship between burnout syndrome, anxiety and depression in health workers at a high-complexity hospital in Cúcuta in 2022.
Methodology: Cross-sectional study, with 285 participants, general medicine professionals, doctors specialists, nurses, nursing assistants, physiotherapists and orderlies. A sociodemographic questionnaire, the Maslach Burnout Inventory and the hospital anxiety and depression scale were applied.
Results: 72.2% of anxiety cases scored high in emotional exhaustion; 33.3%, in depersonalization, and 27.8% had a low score in personal accomplishment. For depression, 83.5% of participants had high scores for emotional exhaustion and 66.7% for depersonalization and personal accomplishment. The factors that increased the risk of anxiety were emotional exhaustion (or = 5.64, IC = 3.45-9.17) and low personal accomplishment (or = 0.42, IC = 0.23-0.66). , while for depression they were emotional exhaustion (or = 4.14, IC = 2.54-6.74) and low personal achievement (or = 0.53, IC = 0.30-0.94).
Conclusion: Emotional exhaustion was related to the risk of anxiety and depression. Personal accomplishment was a protective factor against symptoms of emotional disorders. This study allowed us to identify that demanding hospital work environments can affect the mental health of the worker, making it necessary to propose strategies to reduce the risk and prevent the appearance of mental illnesses.
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