Law 100 of 1993 in Colombia: between the myth of the market and economic theory
Information Asymmetry, Right to Health, Health Care Economics and Organizations, Public Health Expenditure, Health Insurance (DeCS/MeSH)Abstract
This essay investigates and interprets the economic, social, and political theories and facts that framed the creation of Law 100 of health in 1993 in Colombia, which are contrasted with the elements contained in its normative and institutional design, to help answer the question of whether this was a neoliberal recipe as suggested by some authors. For this purpose, a hermeneutic exercise supported by critical theory is used, which aims at going back over the facts and questioning in depth the way they have been presented and interpreted. In its development, concepts and realities such as neoliberalism, human rights, health markets and the operational structure of Law 100 of 1993 are addressed. In the end, it is discussed that cataloging health as a scenario in which patients and hospitals freely buy and sell services, ignores the economic theory that considers it an imperfect market, and the evolution of health as a human right, in which, if its laws were left to act without anyone’s interference, imbalances would occur that would affect users and those who finance its services. What Colombia did with this Law was to advance in the construction of a universal public social security system regulated and financed by the State in which fewer and fewer patients would have to depend on their own resources and on the laws of the economy to enjoy this benefit, increasingly managed as a fundamental right and less as a commodity.
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