Effects of violence on the health of Colombian armed conflict victims in the municipality of Tumaco, Colombia: a narrative review
armed conflicts, social determinants of health, CASPe critical reading program, violence in ColombiaAbstract
Objective: To review the existing literature on the effects of violence on the health of Colombian armed conflict victims in the municipality of Tumaco, Colombia.
Methodology: A narrative review of literature was conducted between 2012 and 2022. Potentially relevant qualitative studies on the municipality of Tumaco were included. Quality assessment was supported by the CASPe critical reading program. The analysis considered the theoretical model of the social determinants of health.
Results: Fourteen qualitative studies were included. In these, 93% referred to murders, 50% to the deficit in the health system, 43% to physical health problems, 36% to the repercussion on mental health, 14% to the consumption of psychoactive substances, 14% to the presence of disabilities, and 7% to the limited access to mental health care as consequences of the Colombian armed conflict’s violence.
Conclusion: The dynamics of the Colombian armed conflict in Tumaco exacerbate the vulnerability conditions found in political and economic determinants (poor quality and limited access to public services, employment, and health), sociocultural determinants (fragmentation of social environments), and environmental determinants (presence of contaminants that affect natural resources). The findings provide decision-makers in health matters with elements to perform risk assessments oriented to prevent and mitigate harm to victims of the Colombian armed conflict.
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