Characterization of children and adolescents with cancer and their families staying in temporary lodgings in Colombia
social support, socioeconomic factor, family, children, neoplasmsAbstract
Objective: To characterize the sociodemographic, economic, educational, healthcare, and social support services factors of children and adolescents with cancer and their families staying in temporary lodgings in eight cities in Colombia.
Methodology: This study employed a descriptive cross-sectional survey-type approach. Forty-two surveys were administered to caregivers (all family members) of children under 18 years of age with a presumptive or confirmed cancer diagnosis. The survey consisted of 55 questions validated by a pilot test. Data collection was carried out between June and August 2023.
Results: Thirteen temporary lodgings were identified. All families belonged to socioeconomic strata 1 and 2, and most of them spent over three hours traveling to the temporary lodging from their place of origin (97.6%); 85% reported incomes below the minimum wage, and 62% of the families received some form of government subsidy. A high percentage of the children (93%) were enrolled in the state-subsidized healthcare system; 71.4% received care in only one health institution, and most were referred to the temporary lodgings by the hospital (83.3%). The main reason for using these lodgings was a lack of accommodation in the city of treatment. Only one family discontinued treatment, and 71.4 % of the children were not attending school.
Conclusion: The sociodemographic conditions of the families of children and adolescents with cancer who require temporary lodging services are characterized by limited financial resources and distant residences from cancer treatment centers. This situation poses challenges to treatment continuity and evidences the importance of the social support provided by temporary lodgings.
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