Perception of the ergonomic climate of the company and presence of musculoskeletal discomfort among workers
ergonomic climate, musculoskeletal pain, ergonomics, occupational safety and healthAbstract
Objective: To estimate the relationship between the perception of the ergonomic climate of the company and the presence of musculoskeletal discomfort in workers in three Colombian cities.
Methodology: Survey of 1339 workers in companies of different economic sectors, located in Barranquilla, Bogota and Cucuta. The study was conducted from September to December 2021. The Ergonomic Climate Evaluation Questionnaire and the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire for the evaluation of musculoskeletal discomfort were applied.
Results: Most of the discomfort was in the neck (48.88 %). 48.69 % of the workers surveyed considered that their training and knowledge about wellness and health in the work environment was low. The perception of musculoskeletal discomfort in the neck was higher in
workers with low perception of Management's commitment to business indicators [OR 1.77 (IC 95 %: 1.24-2.51)] and to well-being and health [OR 2.56 (IC 95 %: 1.75-3.75)]. Low employee training and knowledge of business indicators was related to greater discomfort in shoulders [OR 1.8 (IC 95 %: 1.26-2.58)] and elbows [OR 2.3 (IC 95 %: 1.38-3.62)], and on well-being and health, with discomfort in the upper back [OR 3.7 (IC 95 %: 2.60-5.25)], hips, buttocks, thighs [OR 3.19 (IC 95 %: 2.19-4.66)] and knees [OR 4.42 (IC 95 %: 3.02-6.46)].
Conclusion: The presence of musculoskeletal discomfort is related to the company's lack of commitment to the management of a healthy environment, the participation of workers in occupational health and safety activities, occupational risk analysis and worker training processes
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