Parametric quality of theaggression questionnaire(AQ) of Buss and Perryamong universitystudents in MedellÌn(Colombia)Aggression, violence, university students, aggressionquestionnaire (AQ) of Buss y Perry.Key words


  • Diego Castrillón M señor
  • Paola Ortiz T Señora
  • Fernando Vieco G señor



Aggression, violence, university students, aggression questionnaire (AQ) of Buss y Perry.


Objective: to calculate the parameter conditions of the aggression questionnaire of Buss and Perry in the
university population of the city of MedellÌn, Colombia, in order to acquire an adequate and reliable instrument for the study of aggression in this area. Methodology: this study belongs to the quantitative investigation model of the empirical-analytical type using the validation and verification of the AQ scale of Buss and Perry. The original version of the aggression questionnaire of Buss and Perry (AQ) (1992) contains 40 items rated on a five-point Likert scale. It also uses four subscales including physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger and hostility. The parameters of the test were used in the city of MedellÌn to assess 717 university students. It yielded five factors: self control of physical aggression, external hostility perception, self control of verbal aggression, distrust and non aggression. All of these factors were obtained through a confirmatory factor analysis, after correction of asymmetry with a natural logarithm of 10, which gives it a
parametric test quality. The variance of the test was 62.2. The reliability was verified through Cronbachís alpha with intraclass correlation coefficient. The general alpha was 0.82 and each factor showed an alpha as follows: alpha factor 1= 0.81, alpha factor 2 = 0.86, alpha factor 3= 0.80, alpha factor alpha 4= 0.57, alpha factor 5= 0.41. 
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Author Biography

Diego Castrillón M, señor

Profesor Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública


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How to Cite

Castrillón M D, Ortiz T P, Vieco G F. Parametric quality of theaggression questionnaire(AQ) of Buss and Perryamong universitystudents in MedellÌn(Colombia)Aggression, violence, university students, aggressionquestionnaire (AQ) of Buss y Perry.Key words. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2009 Feb. 4 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];22(2). Available from:


