Perception of some actors in the health system of justice on the impact of constitutional reforms in health and medical practice in Medellin-Colombia


  • Silvia Henao H. University of Antioquia



medical practice, effects health reform, constitutional reform effects


Objective: describe and analyze the perception of some stakeholders in the health systems of justice on the effects of Constitutional Reforms, 1991 and Health Reform 1993 in the course of medical practice in the city of Medellin. Methodology: qualitative descriptive study, we used tools of ethnography as a research method. We used semi-structured interview technique with a guide of questions. Were selected as key informants: six Presidents of Medical Associations. Presidents from nine Scientific Unions and Guilds. Seven Trial Lawyers. Six judges of the Administrative Tribunal. Results: the current Colombian constitutional development, led to greater awareness to citizens about their fundamental rights, the respondents perceived increase in medical liability lawsuits and even frivolous claims, both institutions and professionals in medicine. The doctors feel disenchanted and fear to practice and receive enrichment course for lawyers; is generated distrust in the physician-patient relationship, there is room for “defensive medicine”. Conclusions: in Medellin, the perception of some stakeholders about the effects of constitutional reforms and health in medical practice depends on the disciplinary look and the type of regulatory reform to be investigated. Doctors discovered more demands; they are afraid to practice and observe enrichment course possible lawsuits. In turn, the positive conceive because they imply greater responsibility for the medical treatment.

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Author Biography

Silvia Henao H., University of Antioquia

Professor, National School of Public Health, University of Antioquia. Lawyer, Master in Public Health, Doctor in Social Anthropology. Medellín, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Henao H. S. Perception of some actors in the health system of justice on the impact of constitutional reforms in health and medical practice in Medellin-Colombia. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2011 May 11 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];29(1):34-4. Available from:


