Rethinking concepts and practices in public health


  • José Ricardo de Carvalho-Mesquita Ayres Universidad de Antioquia



Epistemology in health, subjectivity, treatment in health, identity, health practice


The author deals with important concepts in public health in order to rethink them: subjectivity/intersubjectivity, identity/alterity, technical success/practical outcame, and treatment/care. Talking about subjectivity/ intersubjectivity, the characteristics of permanence and productivity in the constitution of subjectivity are studied. He considers that the subject only exists through his conscience of the existence of others. About identity/alterity, the dilemma between working with universal criteria that homogenizes diverse individuals or respecting their identities is analyzed. He proposes to keep some
universal criteria as a kind of a common platform for a dialogue among the diverse. In the aspect of technical success/practical outcome and based on the idea of standardization, he analyses the difference between t
echnical success, on the one hand, interpreted in health practice as disease control, and, on the other hand, practical outcome which takes into account technical norms but also the actors' ideas about “good living” or happiness. In the field of treatment/care, the concept of the former (repair) implies an objectifying
relationship in terms of applying a technique in order to reach very well defined goal. The author invites to think about “care” through which health actions should promote the fulfillment of persons as human beings.
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Author Biography

José Ricardo de Carvalho-Mesquita Ayres, Universidad de Antioquia

Profesor Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública


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How to Cite

de Carvalho-Mesquita Ayres JR. Rethinking concepts and practices in public health. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2009 Mar. 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 2];20(2). Available from:


