Partnership: a strategy of association to strengthen health promotion and disease prevention on a municipal scale


  • Gloria Molina M Universidad de Antioquia



Partnership, health promotion, prevention of diseases,, integrity of services, fragmentation of services


The health system reforms that have been impelled in several European, American and Latin American countries have their focus in achieving more equity, efficiency, effectiveness, economy and quality in the provision of services. These reforms involve the introduction of market mechanisms as regulators for delivering services, and in spite of the fact that positive advances have been achieved new problems have also emerged and new barriers of accessibility and equity have appeared specially in providing the health promotion and disease program prevention. This is related to different aspects such as: fragmentation of responsibilities among different actors; the profit interest of private sector; contracting policies among insurance companies and hospitals that discourage preventive actions. To deal with these problems a strategy to create a partnership is proposed in order to develop action of health promotion and prevention of diseases, allowing all the actors involved in health issues to work together to achieve common objectives. Partnership would focus on developing and recovering public health programs at municipal level generating a positive and important impact on community health.

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Author Biography

Gloria Molina M, Universidad de Antioquia

Profesor Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública


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How to Cite

Molina M G. Partnership: a strategy of association to strengthen health promotion and disease prevention on a municipal scale. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2009 Mar. 6 [cited 2025 Jan. 31];19(2). Available from:



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