Prevalence and risk factors for drug use and dependence in university students from Medellín, Colombia, 2009
substance-related disorders, students, universitiesAbstract
Objective: to determine the prevalence and risk factors for drug use and dependence among students at a university in Medellín, Colombia. Methodology: an analytical study in which 1264 students were surveyed using a random sampling, stratified by the number of students in each academic unit of a university located in Medellín. Information on sociodemographic, academic, health, and consumption variables was collected; drug dependence was assessed using the validated Colombian version of the Drug Use Screening Inventory. Results: the mean age was 20.8±2.7 years; the lifetime prevalence of drug use amounted to 41.8%; the main motivation was satisfying curiosity (83.9%), and the most commonly used drug was marijuana (36.3%). The Risk factors found in this study were attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder, depression, anxiety, and identification with peers, teachers, or relatives. Discussion: although the rate of drug use at least once in life is higher in this university when compared to other universities from the Colombian Andean region, the rate of dependence was found to be only 2%. Having a medium-term life project is a protective factor against drug use and dependence.
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