Reference values of blood cholinesterase activity in the active labor force non-exposed to pesticides inhibitors of colinesterase


  • Jaime Carmona Fonseca Universidad de Antioquia
  • Samuel Henao H
  • Rocío Garcés M señora



Cholinesterase, Lovibond, reference values, working populations


The extended use of pesticides using cholinesterase inhibitors as their active principle,demands the determination of reference values in order to be able to monitor the levels of spill over into humans and for the take of rational clinical and epidemiological decisions.Such values are lacking in Colombia and this is the rationale for this work.The design of the study included two representative samples of labor active populations affiliated to the Social Health Care System and residing in the Aburrá Valley (Location 1:L1) or in the near east of the state of Antioquia (Location 2:L2).Six different techniques were used to measure cholinesterase levels.This reports presents the results by using the Lovibond technique which uses whole blood. 827 individuals of both sexes and within an age range between 18 and 75 years were analyzed, 415 of
them in L1and 412 in L2.Only for the age group under 50 was it possible to gather the number of persons demanded by the statistical design.The average value was higher in L1 than in L2 (92.55% vs 91.72%, F = .946; p =0.3415).Interestingly in both locations the values were higher for men (93.95% vs 91.15% in L1and 94.15% vs 89.31% in L2) and the difference was statistically significant (p<0.05).In individuals younger than 50, age does not have an effect in the Lovibond test.There was no significant variation between our results and those reported by the producers of the Lovibond kit. Ours data are in agreement with the results of Henao et al in working children in Antioquia.
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Author Biography

Jaime Carmona Fonseca, Universidad de Antioquia

Profesor Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública


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How to Cite

Carmona Fonseca J, Henao H S, Garcés M R. Reference values of blood cholinesterase activity in the active labor force non-exposed to pesticides inhibitors of colinesterase. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2009 Mar. 27 [cited 2025 Feb. 27];18(2). Available from:




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