Design of an epidemiological surveillance system in occupational dermatosis based on sentinel event


  • Carlos Mario Quiroz P Universidad de Antioquia
  • Doracelly Hincapié P señora
  • Horacio Berrío V señor
  • Alba Colombia Grajales L señora
  • Natalia Zuluaga S señora
  • Jorge Alberto Moreno A señor
  • Ana María Salazar V señora



Event sentry, dermatosis of occupational origin, epidemic surveillance, occupational health


In occupational health it has been looked for to prioritize the preventive actions, to improve the system of information, to identify and to strengthen the notification of the illnesses related with the work, as well as to achieve a better understanding of the illnesses of occupational origin that affect the worker, especially on the part of the administrating of professional risks, the companies and the workers. In the Administration of Professional Risks Sectional Seguro Social Antioquia (ARP-SS), it was designed and tested a system of epidemic surveillance of occupational dermatosis for event sentry, which starts out from identifying the magnitude of the problem and the evaluation of the existent conditions for the occupational epidemic surveillance. The theoretical and practical approaches are settled down with regard to the handling of the
information and the intervention, for the operation of the system of epidemic surveillance for event sentry, including the pilot test main results. The proposed system of surveillance promotes the articulation of the actions of surveillance between the lenders of services of health and the administrators of the attention, including the administrating of professional risks that facilitates the detection and opportune attention of the cases of dermatosis of occupational origin.
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How to Cite

Quiroz P CM, Hincapié P D, Berrío V H, Grajales L AC, Zuluaga S N, Moreno A JA, Salazar V AM. Design of an epidemiological surveillance system in occupational dermatosis based on sentinel event. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2009 Mar. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 28];18(2). Available from:



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