Working and health conditions among a recycling community from a precarious settlement in Asunción (Paraguay). An analysis of the prevalence of dermatological diseases
Health conditions, work conditions, skin diseases, recyclers, ParaguayAbstract
Objective: This article aims to perform a comparative analysis of the prevalence of dermatological diseases, past medical history and, safety and health conditions at work among a recycling and a non-recycling population living around the municipal landfill in Asunción, Paraguay.
Methodology: A descriptive and cross-sectional study, with a non-random sample chosen intentionally in four micro-territories was carried out, which included 40 people aged between 15 and 76 years: 22 recyclers and 18 non-recyclers.
Results: Recyclers showed a higher prevalence of dermatological diseases based on physical examinations and review of their past medical history; among them 63.7% were identified with three or more skin lesions (in contrast to 16.6% of non-recyclers) and high percentages of cutaneous infectious diseases: mycotic (50 %) and bacterial (31.8%). Regarding their past medical history of cutaneous diseases, recyclers reported cut wounds (59.1 %), boils (59.1%), tunga penetrans (40.9 %), cutaneous larva migrans (36.4 %), infected cut wounds (27.3 %), photodamage (22.7 %), tinea pedis (13.6 %) and puncture wounds (syringe) (9.1 %). They also reported frequent respiratory and gastrointestinal problems, headaches and musculoskeletal pain. Additionally, insufficient safety and health protection measures were found in workers engaged in recycling.
Conclusion: These results indicate a greater exposure to a variety of risk factors related to the precarious work conditions of the recycling group, and this aspect becomes a challenge for public health as well.
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