Meanings about bioethics that emerge in patients who had participated in medical training processes. Medellin, Colombia. 2017




bioethics, clinical clerkship, medical, education, patient rights, professional training, students


Objective: To understand the meanings about bioethics that emerge among patients treated in academic practices, in undergraduate and postgraduate medical training processes in Medellín, 2017.

Materials and methods: With a hermeneutic approach based on the constructivist paradigm, 17 semistructured interviews were conducted in adults. The analysis was carried out with the use of grounded theory techniques.

Results: As a central meaning, the instrumentalization of the patient emerged in the learning process of the students, in which the formative interest over the patient’s care prevails. Other meanings that emerged are: hierarchical subordination in clinical and academic relationships, limitation of recognition of rights and duties of patients, as well as diversity in satisfaction with care. There was discomfort when the patient felt ignored in the teaching communication - students. The contribution of the patient to learning is highlighted.

Discussion and conclusion: There is a favorable disposition of the patients to participate in the medical training in non-invasive processes, with limitation of the number of students and with a teacher who is aware of the patient. Medical training should give the patient an active role in academic practices, recognize their needs for dialogue, confidentiality, privacy, respect for their autonomy and dignity, promoting relationships between patients, students and teachers based on bioethical values and principles.

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Author Biographies

Elsa María Villegas-Múnera, University of Antioquia

Full professor, Faculty of Medicine. Doctor in Bioethics.

Martha Lucía Escobar-Pérez, University of Antioquia

Full professor, Faculty of Medicine. Collective Health Master.

Carlos Enrique Yepes-Delgado, University of Antioquia

Full professor, Faculty of Medicine. Doctor in Epidemiology.

David Arnovis Hernández-Carmona, University of Antioquia

Occasional teacher National School of Public Health. Collective Health Master.


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How to Cite

Villegas-Múnera EM, Escobar-Pérez ML, Yepes-Delgado CE, Hernández-Carmona DA. Meanings about bioethics that emerge in patients who had participated in medical training processes. Medellin, Colombia. 2017. Iatreia [Internet]. 2019 Oct. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 30];32(4):276-87. Available from:



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