Application of the world health organization guidelines for the treatment of severely undernourished children


  • Carlos Bernal Parra Universidad de Antioquia
  • Gloria Margarita Alcaraz López Universidad de Antioquia
  • Victor H. Giraldo Barrera Universidad de Antioquia
  • Jhon E. Lopera Marín Universidad de Antioquia
  • Jorge Botero López Universidad de Antioquia



Objective: Adaptation and application of the WHO protocol for the treatment of the severe undernourished children
Materials and methods: This is a descriptive and prospective study. It was conducted during one year on 53 under- five severely undernourished children, i.e. weight / size below minus three standard deviations, or showing edemas. Some suffered it under the two criteria. The WHO criteria were applied.
Results: 25 children (47.1%) suffered kwashiorkor, 24 (45,2%) wasting and 4 (7.5%) mixed undernourishment. The median age was 13.5 months (DE 11.8) The access associated morbility comprised acute and persistent diarrhea, pneumonia, dermopathies, sepsis, urinary infection and anemia. The median hospitalization was 21 days (DE 9,47). 35 children (66%) reached the target of minus one standard deviation in weight / size, 14 (26.7%) were discharged before reaching the targeted weight and 4 (7.3%) deceased.
Discussion: in recent years severe malnutrition is back in Colombia and the treatment of these children is not rovided by the current social security system. The World Health Organization considers that undernourishment is associated with 60% of deaths in minors under five. In a first level hospital the application of the WHO protocol was successful. Other studies point satisfactory results with the application of the protocol.
Key words: Nutritional disorders, dietotherapy, kwashiorkor, wasting.
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Author Biographies

Carlos Bernal Parra, Universidad de Antioquia

Médico, Especialista en Pediatría, profesor Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Antioquia

Gloria Margarita Alcaraz López, Universidad de Antioquia

Nutricionista Dietista, MSC, P h D Ciencias, profesoraFacultad de Enfermería, Universidad de Antioquia

Victor H. Giraldo Barrera, Universidad de Antioquia

Médico, Residente de Pediatría, Universidad de Antioquia

Jhon E. Lopera Marín, Universidad de Antioquia

Médico, Residente de Pediatría, Universidad de Antioquia

Jorge Botero López, Universidad de Antioquia

Médico, Coordinador Unidad Vida infantil, Universidad de Antioquia



How to Cite

Bernal Parra, C., Alcaraz López, G. M., Giraldo Barrera, V. H., Lopera Marín, J. E., & Botero López, J. (2008). Application of the world health organization guidelines for the treatment of severely undernourished children. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 22(1).




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