Turing pattern formation for reaction-convection-diffusion in fixed domains submitted to toroidal velocity fields


  • Carlos Humberto Galeano National University of Colombia
  • Diego Alexander Garzón National University of Colombia
  • Juan Miguel Mantilla National University of Colombia


diffusion instability, Schnackenberg, glycolysis, Turing patterns


This article studies the effect of the inclusion of the transport term in the reaction-diffusion equations, through toroidal velocity fields. The formation of Turing patterns in diffusion-advection-reaction problems is studied specifically, considering the Schnackenberg reaction kinetics and glycolysis models. Three cases are analyzed and solved numerically using finite elements. It is found that, for the glycolysis models, the advective effect totally modifies the form of the obtained Turing patterns with diffusion-reaction; whereas for the problems of Schnackenberg, the original patterns distort themselves slightly, making them to rotate in the direction of the velocity field. Also, this work was able to determine that for high values of velocity the advective effect surpasses the diffusive one and the instability by diffusion is eliminated. On the other hand, for very low values in the velocity field, the advective effect is not considerable and there is no modification of the original Turing pattern.

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Author Biographies

Carlos Humberto Galeano, National University of Colombia

Group of Modeling and Numerical Methods in GNUM Engineering.

Diego Alexander Garzón, National University of Colombia

Group of Modeling and Numerical Methods in GNUM Engineering.

Juan Miguel Mantilla, National University of Colombia

Group of Modeling and Numerical Methods in GNUM Engineering.


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How to Cite

Galeano, C. H., Garzón, D. A., & Mantilla, J. M. (2013). Turing pattern formation for reaction-convection-diffusion in fixed domains submitted to toroidal velocity fields. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (53), 75–87. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/ingenieria/article/view/14735