Experimental model of a unipolar motor


  • Luz Karine Sandoval Industrial University of Santander
  • Gabriel Plata Industrial University of Santander
  • Rodrigo Correa Industrial University of Santander


homopolar motor, modeling, electromagnetic induction


The experimental characterization of a unipolar motor is described with the objective to validate its mathematical model. This kind of motor is quite controversial to explain not only its model but also how it works. It has been around for about two centuries and it is unknown the way it operates. It seems that can not be explained by using the conventional Maxwell equations; it is a device that generates an electromotive force (emf) although the magnetic flux is time independent. The prototype constructed verified the proposed model correctness, i.e. an electrical resistance and a power generator, because an exponential increasing in its angular velocity was observed. The motor transfer function is of first order, as was expected, since there are not inductors or capacitors; however, it spent about thirty to forty seconds to reach its steady state; this is because of the internal electrical resistance of this device according to the model.

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Author Biographies

Luz Karine Sandoval, Industrial University of Santander

School of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering.

Gabriel Plata, Industrial University of Santander

School of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering.

Rodrigo Correa, Industrial University of Santander

School of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering.


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How to Cite

Sandoval, L. K., Plata, G., & Correa, R. (2013). Experimental model of a unipolar motor. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (53), 163–173. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/ingenieria/article/view/14787