Comparative evaluation of some limnological characteristics of six lentic environments of Colombia
swamp, floodplain lake, lake, trophic stateAbstract
This study proposed to evaluate some limnological characteristics of six lentic environments in Colombia located at the altitudinal gradient in Caribbean, Andean and Amazon regions. These environments have different origin, type and physic, chemic and climatic variability. This is clear evidence that equatorial environments, like the ones found in Colombia presents variation among them and requires a local approach linked with regional and geographical patterns which influences the limnology of system. The studied environments correspond to high mountain lakes and lowland floodplain, which were monitored in different hydrological seasons and times and the results were reviewed with respect to their environmental and trophic differences. Altitudinal location and therefore the type, origin, morphometry and hydroclimatic conditions which affects the six systems, promotes significant changes in the precipitation regime, temperature, level and water transparency, nutrients concentrations, dissolved oxygen, pH, electrical conductivity and chlorophyll a.
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