Transformation the contunuum current vehicles actuated by a chopper in alternating current actuated by frequency converter and asynchronous power engine


  • Ioan Bele Universidad Aurel Vlaicu
  • Liviu Sevastian Bocîi Universidad Aurel Vlaicu



continuum currente vehicles, chopper, frequency converters, asynchronous power motor


The present work shows the methodology and the conditions that have to be fulfilled to transform the continuum current vehicles actuated by a chopper into alternating current vehicles actuated by frequency converter and asynchronous power engine. In both systems the speed regulation is done through a programmable actuated system. But, for the first system the speed regulation is done by chopped impulses command, while for the second one the regulation is made by current tension and frequency modification.

A part of programmable automatically actuation system is unchanged, particularly: the auxiliary equipment command and surveillance for the main switch, lines and network contact devices, as wlle as the signal displays for speed, current and tension.

Other programmable actuated system tasks are totally changed: controlled rectifier diode or transistors command, current information, some components and equipment are eliminated and other could be located directly on the frequency converter.

Concluding, the passing from continuum current vehicles actuated by a chopper system to alternating current actuated by frequency converter and speed actuation by a frequency converter, could be done in a inrelatively easy manner if an exact function analysis is done of the the command and regulation equipment.

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Author Biographies

Ioan Bele, Universidad Aurel Vlaicu

Profesor. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica.

Liviu Sevastian Bocîi, Universidad Aurel Vlaicu

Profesor catedrático


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Documentaþia tehnicã de execuþie a metroului din Bucureºti.

Documentaþia tehnicã de execuþie a troleibuzului 415T din Bucureºti.




How to Cite

Bele, I., & Bocîi, L. S. (2003). Transformation the contunuum current vehicles actuated by a chopper in alternating current actuated by frequency converter and asynchronous power engine. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (30), 148–154.