Convocatoria Artículos de Investigación
Vol. 17, Núm. 2 (segundo semestre de 2025)
Read more about Convocatoria Artículos de InvestigaciónISSN (online) : 2256-1102 | ISSN (print) 2145-4892
The main interest of the Revista de Psicología Universidad de Antioquia is the publication of scientific research articles on or in relation to psychology and related disciplines, in their different approaches and fields. It is intended to broaden the disciplinary field from the various epistemological approaches that are part of psychology, in its basic and applied dimension. It publishes relevant topics and of social impact in the broad spectrum of its occupational fields (health, educational, organizational and labor, social-community, among others).
It is a biannual publication, edited since 2008, of open and plural character, with permanent invitation to the local, regional, national and international scientific community to participate with their contributions. Each year an open issue is published in the first semester and a special issue (monographic) in the second, with topics that contribute to current debates in the scientific community.
The magazine aims to be a world reference for consultation, debate and visibility of contemporary discussions of psychology from its diverse perspectives and in constant dialogue with other disciplines.
Vol. 17, Núm. 2 (segundo semestre de 2025)
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