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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The material has never been previously published, nor has it been submitted to any other journal (or a proper explanation under “comments to the editor” has otherwise been provided).

  • Submitted file is in Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.

  • Whenever possible, web pages have been added for references.

  • The text has single spacing; font size is 12 points; italics are used instead of underlining (with the exception of URL addresses); all illustrations, images and charts are well placed along the text, and not compiled at the end.

  • The text complies with the bibliographical and stylistic requisites set forth by the Norms for Authors (accessible through About the Journal).

  • When submitting a journal’s section to be reviewed by peers, verify compliance with the instructions of Assuring a Blindfold Review.

Author Guidelines

1. Typology of articles 

Manuscripts submitted for evaluation under double-blind modality should explicitly mention one of the following typologies and their respective basic sections:

Scientific and technological research article. Document presenting in detail the original results of completed research projects. The structure of this article includes: introduction (including conceptual references), methodology, results, discussion, conclusions.

Article of reflection. Document that presents results of finished research from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources.

Review article. Document resulting from a completed investigation where the results of published or unpublished research are analyzed, systematized and integrated in order to account for progress and development trends in a particular topic in the field of psychology and/or related disciplines. It is characterized by a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.

Short article. Brief document that presents preliminary or partial original results of an investigation that require a prompt dissemination.

Case report. Document presenting the results of a study on a particular situation in order to make known the technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific case. It includes a systematic, commented review of the literature on analogous cases.

Translation. Translations of classic or current texts or transcripts of historical documents or of particular interest in the publication domain of the journal.

Bibliographic review. Review and comments on books in the journal’s area of interest, published in the last three years. Its length must not exceed five pages.

2. Publishing rules

The Journal suggests the follow-up of quality criteria for articles derived from research according to international guidelines: guidelines for the evaluation of articles made from comprehensive (qualitative) perspectives-COREQ- (Fernández and Calderón, 2002; Tong, 2007), evaluation guide for observational studies from an analytical empirical perspective -STROBE- (Vandenbrouck et al., 2007) and studies of systematic review and meta-analysis -PRISMA- (Moher et al., 2015).

In general terms, articles derived from research must meet the following criteria:

Sections of the article

Quality criteria


  • Identify the variables or categories that constitute the central objective of the study.
  • It is clear and precise.
  • Alludes to the type of study - method implemented.


  • It gives an account of the objective, method, results and general conclusion of the study.
  • Point out the time space location of the study..

Key words

  • They are consistent with the proposed objective..


  • Develops the context and relevance of the study..
  • It integrates recent research on the topic of study (current state of the issue studied).
  • It clearly indicates the objectives of the study.
  • It proposes a basic conceptualization of the variables - categories that guide the study.


  • The method is suitable for the objectives proposed in the study..
  • It explicitly indicates the type of study, the design of the study, its location and temporality.
  • They point to epistemological approach or perspective, specific strategies and techniques implemented.
  • Indicates the type of sampling or selection of participants: Contact and selection strategies, eligibility criteria, characteristics, number of participants or documentary sources.
  • It adequately describes the process of data collection: phases, specific instruments, operationalization of variables or initial system of categories that guide the study.
  • It adequately describes the process of data analysis: statistical methods for the analysis of variables, analytical procedures of qualitative contents and construction of topics or categories, methods of analysis of visual information; others according to the type of data.

Ethical aspects

  • It respects the ethical principles to which the journal adheres..
  • Declares the performance of informed consent and its approval by a research center or ethics committee.
  • It expresses the assessment and management of risks and benefits for participants.
  • It describes the use and protection of data, as well as the protection of the anonymity and confidentiality of participants.
  • It indicates how the commitments made to the participants are fulfilled.


  • They correspond to the objectives and methods proposed in the article.
  • They clearly indicate the main results or emerging categories (concepts) supported from the data collected in the study.
  • It presents negative results (which contradict the hypotheses) when they exist.

Discussion and conclusions

  • Proposes different ways of interpreting the results
  • Discusses with reference to other studies for or against the findings and interpretations raised
  • It draws key conclusions and these are derived from the analysis and the results presented
  • It contemplates limits, recommendations, practical implications of the results

Source: Created by Astrid Natalia Molina Jaramillo based on contributions from Fernández and Calderón, 2002; Tong, 2007; Vandenbrouck et al., 2007.

3. Rules for the submission of papers 

  • We accept unpublished, empirical and theoretical works that have not been published or presented for publication simultaneously before another national or international journal, in all areas of psychology and related disciplines, written in Spanish, English and Portuguese.
  • Articles should not exceed 8,000 words, including citations, tables, figures and bibliographic references. Must be presented in double space (except tables) and in Times New Roman 12. 
  • The article does not include information from the authors, it must contain a title, summary not exceeding 150 words, indicating the purpose of the study, the results and conclusions, accompanied by five keywords. Authors will present titles, abstracts and keywords translated into English. Only those that are accepted by international databases will be used as keywords, which can be consulted at the following addresses:
  • Keywords in Spanish: SciELO’s thesaurus Colombia: Click here. Keywords in English: PsycINFO’s thesaurus: Click here
  • The first page of the document or cover is sent separately from the text. It must include title, name of the authors, institutional filiation (only one institutional filiation per author), the ORCID and email of each of the authors, as well as who will be the corresponding author.
  • For articles research results, document the origin of the project or institutional support. In research with humans, the author(s) should include the indication of national and international standards of ethics that they have applied in the study, and reference the ethics committee that endorsed the research project.
  • All papers must strictly follow the style guidelines of the American Psychological Association-APA, Sixth Edition. Writings that do not meet this requirement will be returned to their authors for review and correction.
  • Footnotes should contain only clarifications or additions to the work that, without affecting the continuity of the text, provide additional information that the author deems necessary to include in his work.

4. Rules for the reception, evaluation and publication of works 

  • Because it is a publication with double-blind arbitration, the Journal receives, reviews and sends the papers to the opinion of the Editorial Committee, which selects the articles that meet the requirements and assigns internal and external peer reviewers to the publishing institution, on whose criteria its publication depends. Once received the concept is sent to the author to take into account the observations of the evaluation. In cases of disagreement between the evaluators, or when the author comments, the Committee will decide whether to assign another evaluator (See more). 
  • The Journal reserves the right to make stylistic modifications to the original text. Editorial changes are made to improve writing and avoid grammatical errors.
  • The author(s) are responsible for the content of the article, the accuracy of the information, the integrity of the analysis process and its results, including tables, graphs and bibliographic citations.
  • The Journal admits comments and opinions on the published material, accepts reasoned retractions from the authors and will correct timely the typographical errors that have been committed when publishing a manuscript (erratum).
  • For the process of receiving, evaluating and publishing to be clear and objective, the double blind requires that arbitrators and authors remain anonymous. Any impediment or conflict that may affect the impartial evaluation of the manuscript must be expressed in writing to the Editor.
  • The acceptance of the article for publication in the Journal implies the assignment of the rights of reproduction and disclosure by any means to the University of Antioquia, publishing institution of the Journal. The Journal assumes the policy of free access, as well as the inclusion and dissemination of the full text in all those specialized databases that the Editorial Committee considers appropriate for indexing with a view to increasing the visibility of the Journal.
  • The Editorial Committee receives written material on a permanent basis to evaluate its publication
  • The authors' contributions will be sent through the Open Journal system in the Online Submissions option.  If you need advice on this process you can contact us at:
  • If you have doubts about sending the article through the OJS platform check the User Manual.

Privacy Statement

Names and mail addresses included in the journal’s published articles shall be used exclusively for the purposes stated by the journal and shall not be made available to anyone else, nor used with any other purpose.