Self-esteem in pregnant teenagers in the district 5 of the city of Santa Marta (Colombia)


  • Guillermo Augusto Ceballos Ospino
  • Karelys Camargo Goenaga
  • Idanis Jiménez Sánchez
  • Karen Requena Mendoza



Self-esteem, Adolescent Pregnancy, Socio-demographic factors


The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) was applied to a sample of 22 pregnant teenagers from Santa Marta City´s northeaster neighborhoods. The scale produces a global measure of “the construct” based on the multivariate structure of the self. This study also takes into account the socio-demographic factors that affect these adolescent women.

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How to Cite

Ceballos Ospino, G. A., Camargo Goenaga, K., Jiménez Sánchez, I., & Requena Mendoza, K. (2011). Self-esteem in pregnant teenagers in the district 5 of the city of Santa Marta (Colombia). Revista De Psicología Universidad De Antioquia, 3(1), 29–38.



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