Bullying and Drugs


  • Alberto Javier Córdova Alcaráz Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Edith María Ramón Trigos
  • Karina Jiménez Silvestre,
  • Cristina de Jesús Cruz Cortés




Violence, Aggression Bullying, Intimidation, Adolescent and Drug Use


This documentary research approaches the school violence, commonly known as bullying, through a review of the scientific literature about this topic developed in the last ten years and some articles considered classics; to track elements as background, theoretical developments, measuring instruments, emotional stability implications, relationship with drug use and prevention strategies. The literature review allows conclude that bullying should be managed as a public health problem that demands early and comprehensive interventions, that includes students, families and scholar personal, thereby promoting coexistence and preventing the emergence of dysfunctional behaviors such as drug use and delinquency.

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How to Cite

Córdova Alcaráz, A. J., Ramón Trigos, E. M., Jiménez Silvestre, K., & Cruz Cortés, C. de J. (2013). Bullying and Drugs. Revista De Psicología Universidad De Antioquia, 4(2), 21–48. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rp.15479



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