Social Integration of Drug Users in Rehabilitation. A Qualitative Study


  • Solveig E Rodríguez Kuri Centros de Integración Juvenil
  • Carmen Fernández Cáceres Centros de Integración Juvenil



Social Integration, Treatment, Rehabilitation, Drug Abuse, Drug User


In order to identify barriers for social reintegration of drug users in rehabilitation and recognize effective alternatives reported by the users, it was applied individual in-depth interviews to patients that had finished their residential treatment program. The data analysis was based on the qualitative methodology called Framework Analysis.

The main barriers identified were: impoverishment of social networks, exclusion and isolation, negative expectations about reintegration, stress associated to withdrawal; stigmatization, pressure by drug users, lack of formal support networks; lack of family involvement, marital and sexual conflicts, economical dependence, absence of alternatives for leisure time, and loss of social skills.

In contrast, it were identified elements that improve the reintegration process as: making new social networks, alternatives for the use of leisure time, structured every day activities, family commitment, counseling for parenting and raising children and economic independence.

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How to Cite

Kuri, S. E. R., & Cáceres, C. F. (2015). Social Integration of Drug Users in Rehabilitation. A Qualitative Study. Revista De Psicología Universidad De Antioquia, 6(2), 57–78.



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