Exploration of Coherence in Children with Neurological Background: a Look at the Subject and its Positive Potential


  • Pilar del Carmen Bonilla Valencia Valley University
  • Gabriel Arteaga Díaz Valley University
  • Diana Patricia De Castro Daza Valley University




narration, neuropsychology, writing, case studies, Coherence, Narrative


The objective of this study is to explore the establishment of coherence in oral and written narratives in three children with perinatal neurological history from a narrative construction task based on two sources generative. The methodology focuses on the construction of case studies therefore emphasizes the particularities of the performances, analyzed in the light of the perspective of cognitive developmental psychology and neuropsychology with a view to understanding the subject and transcend appreciation deficit and difficulty. In results in oral and written narratives of children are characterized by expressing coherence as a cognitive operation established by the subject. 

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Author Biographies

Pilar del Carmen Bonilla Valencia, Valley University


Gabriel Arteaga Díaz, Valley University


Diana Patricia De Castro Daza, Valley University



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How to Cite

Bonilla Valencia, P. del C., Arteaga Díaz, G., & De Castro Daza, D. P. (2015). Exploration of Coherence in Children with Neurological Background: a Look at the Subject and its Positive Potential. Revista De Psicología Universidad De Antioquia, 7(1), 109–123. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rp.25265



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