The subject in Games of Power: Subjectivity and Desubjectification from Foucault


  • Luis Antonio Ramírez Zuluaga University of Antioquia



Subject, Power, Resistance, Critical Attitude, Writing, Literary Analysis, Practices of Self.


This  article  develops  a  theoretical  reflection  about the possible functions that can have the subject with respect  to  the  relations  of  power  and  resistance.  It uses initially to the notion of subjectificationas a referent in the ways in which the human being becomes subject  and  eventually  becomes  a  node  of  resistance to power. Later addresses a unique form of resistance called desubjectificationand raised by Foucault from their analysis of the contemporary literary language; it is a typology of the modern “practices of self” implies not  only  a  way  to  move  beyond  the  idea  of  subject originating  and  self-sufficient  knowledge,  but  also some emancipatory perspective the subject as a form of experience limit that seeks the detachment and the transformation of self. 

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How to Cite

Ramírez Zuluaga, L. A. (2016). The subject in Games of Power: Subjectivity and Desubjectification from Foucault. Revista De Psicología Universidad De Antioquia, 7(2), 133–145.



Artículo de reflexión derivado de investigación