The reflection of internal reality through play in sandplay


  • Liliana Alzate Vélez University Corporation God's Minute
  • Cecilia Muñoz Vila Pontifical Xavierian University



Sandplay, Junguian analyst, Klein, Uncounscious fantasies, States of mind, Institutionalized child, Jungian theory, Psychotherapeutic processes


In the present article, the authors think about the benefits of using the Junguian sand table as instrument of game under the frame of the Kleiniana theory It makes possible a more limited exploration and simultaneously an amplified observation of the children’s states of the mind,  the  externalizationn  of  internal  conflicts,  the transference  with  internal  and  external  objects  and the different levels of the unconscious fantasies, using the the images and the words as interacting symbolic forms that expand their meaning.

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Author Biographies

Liliana Alzate Vélez, University Corporation God's Minute

Cecilia Muñoz Vila, Pontifical Xavierian University

Psychologist, National University of Colombia. Postgraduate in Sociology, Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, Santiago de Chile. Doctorate candidate, with approved thesis defense, at Cornell University, USA. Professor of the Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Researcher on Critical Analysis of Media and History, and grieving processes in childhood and adulthood.


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How to Cite

Alzate Vélez, L., & Muñoz Vila, C. (2016). The reflection of internal reality through play in sandplay. Revista De Psicología Universidad De Antioquia, 8(1), 111–126.



Artículo de reflexión