Working in weekly rotating shifts have not impact on high cognitive functions
Rotating shift, Neuropsychological assessment, Attention, Memory, Executive function, Circadian rhythm, NeuropsychologyAbstract
The present study was conducted to compare cognitive performance in attention, memory and executive function in a group of workers from the same company who work rotating shifts with another group that works only on fixed day shift. This study descriptive- correlational was conducted with 60 male adults, aged between 20 and 60 years: 30 participants perform in rotating shifts and 30 works in fixed shifts. A neuropsychological battery was administered to assess attention, memory and executive function in both groups. The results obtained in the study showed that in rotating shifts, cognitive functions in attention, memory and executive function are not altered in either the short or long term; except for the interference score of the Stroop test, in which less resistance to interference was evidenced in workers under rotating shifts than those workers performing in day fixed shifts. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the weekly rotation mode shift seems to be more convenient from the cognitive point of view, allowing more rest and therefore proper resetting of the circadian cycle.
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