Social phobia and cognitive therapy: a case study based on evidence


  • María Isabel Sotelo Hoyos Pontifical Xavierian University



Social anxiety, Design of a unique case, Psychology based on evidence, Exposition therapy.


An  intervention  is  presented  in  a  patient diagnosed  with  social  anxiety,  to  whom  cognitive  behavioral  therapy  and  exposure therapy was applied. The inventory of anxiety-social phobia, social anxiety-avoidance scale and a clinical interview was used. For the intervention the techniques of progressive relaxation, cognitive techniques, role playing, assertive training and exposure techniques were applied. The treatment reduced the anxious  and  depressive symptoms  and  there  were  changes  in  public  exposure  and  social interaction.  The  results are  consistent  with  the available scientific evidence on the effectiveness for the intervention of this disorder.

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Author Biography

María Isabel Sotelo Hoyos, Pontifical Xavierian University


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How to Cite

Sotelo Hoyos, M. I. (2018). Social phobia and cognitive therapy: a case study based on evidence. Revista De Psicología Universidad De Antioquia, 10(2), 131–156.



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